Shea Butter from Burkina Faso

Providing economic support to women and reducing our environmental footprint
At Garnier, our shea butter is sustainably sourced from Burkina Faso, and the nuts are collected by women, united in Producers Organisations.
Our sustainable sourcing program aims at supporting the women who collect the nuts, and reducing our environmental footprint.
Garnier provides the shea nut women gatherers, united in Producers Organisations, with:
- A fair, direct income
- Trainings on best practices in collecting and processing
- Protection of the environment, through the preservation of shea trees by limiting the use of wood fuel through improved cookstoves
Concrete Results
More than 1,500 IMPROVED COOKSTOVES INSTALLED in the past three years
More than 1,500 TONS OF WOOD SAVED
More than 3,000 TONS OF CO2 emissions avoided

Argan Oil & Argan Extracts from Morocco

Empowering women and protecting the argan trees forest
At Garnier, our argan oil is sustainably sourced from Morocco, and the nuts are still crushed by hand by women organized in cooperatives. Our sustainable sourcing program aims at protecting the only endemic forest of argan trees in the world & empowering women.
Garnier contributes to supporting 570 women, in 6 cooperatives in small villages in the region of Agadir, by:
-Providing a fair, stable income
Empowering women with social and financial independence
-Contributing to a local development fund to facilitate access to health care, literacy classes and crèche facilities for their children
Concrete Results
Since 2009, the cooperatives grew from 338 working women to 570.